Homes of Multiple Occupation (HMO) Investments

We are your go-to experts for both private and social HMOs. Our strategic approach maximises rental yields while providing quality living spaces for tenants, offering lucrative investment opportunities.

Flip Projects

We specialise in transforming underutilised properties into stunning homes. From acquisition to renovation, we handle every aspect, ensuring the property is market-ready for sale at a premium price, yielding high returns on investment.

Commercial Conversions

Unlock the potential of commercial properties through our conversion projects. We reimagine these spaces into modern residential units, providing unique and profitable investment opportunities with significant returns.

Why Choose King and Queen Properties?

With decades of experience in property buying and selling, we offer a unique blend of expertise and innovation, ensuring diverse and profitable investment opportunities. Our approach creates a win-win scenario: investors enjoy healthy returns, families find beautiful homes, and we continue to grow our business.

Our Core Values

EMPATHY - We put ourselves in your shoes and understand how we would feel from your perspective, as we belive this is a partnership and collaboration.

COLLABORATION - We believe working together with the same common goal. We can help you achieve your goals faster. Your goals matter to us as much as they matter to you. 

DRIVE - We have the highest standards and that doesn't change no matter what challenges we face. 

TRUST - We are honest, reliable and accountable. Mistakes happen. We are all human and mistakes are part of life. It's what we do afterwards that counts. 

PASSION - We are very passionate about working in property. A 'can do' attitude and a smile in part of our uniform

Contact us Today For Your Next Opportunity

We will work together for the best possible return on investment

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